
We make every effort to ensure the content of this website is accurate and up to date, but we do not accept liability for damage or loss caused by any error or omission.

FACFO are not responsible for the content of any linked external sites. The inclusion of a link does not necessarily imply FACFO’s endorsement of the linked site.

FACFO does not endorse any service provider, supplier or practitioner. As a directory this platform is designed to highlight services offered within the African and Caribbean communities for authenticity, respect and guidance.

If you are a funeral director you must be registered with HMRC and Companies House.

If you have private premises you must have Public Liability Insurance.

FACFO will always strive to provide up to date industry led guidance, for the purpose of enlightenment for all service providers and service users alike.

FACFO will and reserves the right to remove any service provider, practitioner or supplier found to be acting against industry regulation, guidance or best practice.

Please consult with our Privacy & Cookies page for more information or feel free to contact us.